dinsdag 10 januari 2012

Tropical tailoring à la carte

Tailoring à la carte is nothing new. But at Café Costume they're dedicated to find exceptional fabrics at the stock exchanges in Paris and Milan. And that's how they can make a difference.

While Bruno van Gils was searching for new & exclusive fabrics for his Spring 2012 collection, he got inspired by the adventures of the Dutch explorer Abel Tasman.

1642. After a grueling journey at sea, Abel Tasman stranded on an island south of Australia and named it 'Tasmania'. Today, the island is known for the high-quality merino wool. The very fine and consistent fiber diameter of the wool excels in comfort and softness. The strong yarns ensure long life. Typical to the Tasmanian Wool is its pure white yarn, creating a bright and vivid color result. Which makes it perfect for a costume with an intense summer shade.

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